Abolitionist v. Reforms Policy Tool
The Muslim Abolitionist Futures (MAF) Network developed this tool to support organizations, collectives, groups, and community members committed to moving with abolitionist values in their policy advocacy efforts.
Abolishing the War on Terror, Building Communities of Care
This grassroots agenda calls for the abolition of the War on Terror and an investment into communities of care.
Why the Census Matters for Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) Communities in the DMV Area
The 2020 Census data will determine how the next 10 years of representation will look like for our communities and how much federal funding is distributed for critical programs that our families and communities use.
We Count: Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian (AMEMSA) Voters in Virginia
The November 2020 General Elections is a critical voting year for Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities. JMC took on the nonpartisan civic engagement project to call 65,282 AMEMSA voters in Virginia by November 3rd.
I Count Census 2020 Campaign
The U.S. Census is an opportunity to accurately count Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities and allocate funding for critical resources. As part of our community outreach efforts, we created an “I Count Census Poster Series.”