Muslim Women's Powerbuilding Institute Reportback
MJF's Muslim Women's Powerbuilding Institute met during the summer and discussed building power in Chicago. Here is a report back of narrative themes and movement-building themes.
MJF's MAF Mixer and Powerbuilding Feature
Muslims for Just Futures invites you to an evening of celebration and community-building.
August 27, 2023 | 6:00 PM CST | Haymarket House, 800 W Buena Ave, Chicago, IL 60613
TPS for Pakistan
After the devastating 2022 floods in Pakistan, which placed over a third of the country underwater and displaced millions, Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) began a campaign to support undocumented Pakistanis, many of whom effectively became climate refugees. MJF is supporting this national campaign here in the DC-MD-VA area. Join us.
Read our policy agenda calling for the divestment from criminalization and investment into communities of care
Read our collaborative grassroots policy agenda calling for the abolition of the War on Terror and building communities of care at the national, state, and local-level. We hope this agenda is used as a tool to further engage our communities, grassroots organizations, movement groups, and policymakers in order to build power, heal, and enact change.
MJF’s collaborative 2022 mid-term voter guide
In partnership with Muslim Women For, HEART, Queer Crescent, South Asian Americans Leading Together, and CAIR Georgia, MJF developed a nonpartisan voter guide for the midterm elections. The guide offers resources and information for voters across the country, centering Muslim organizations based and working in the South and Midwest.
Muslim Immigrant Workers of Washington DC
In late 2020 and early 2021, we conducted oral and visual histories of five Muslim immigrant workers through the DC Oral History Collaborative for inclusion in the city’s official records. These interviews focus on how the workers are treated at their workplace, the obstacles and discrimination they face, and their journeys of joining and participating in labor movements. Tune in!
Applications for the Muslim Women’s Organizing Institute
Applications are currently closed. Please check back here for our organizing institute applications.
Policing Violence, Gendered Islamophobia, & The War on Terror in France
From #JusticeForNahel to #StopCopCity, policing is a racist institution of state violence and control.
#StopCopCity Solidarity Statement: Mapping the War on Terror Roots of Cop City in Atlanta
MJF leads the Muslim Abolitionist Futures National Network in releasing this public statement in solidarity with #StopCopCity protestors and joins organizational demands to drop domestic terrorism charges against the Defend the Atlanta Forest Protestors.
MJF’s Statement in Solidarity against Anti-Asian Violence
At MJF, we send our love and solidarity to our AAPI siblings who are reeling from the impact of these massacres and our firm commitment to the abolition of White Supremacy, Gendered Violence, and Anti-AAPI violence which are all interconnected systems of violence.
Muslim Women's Organizing Institute 2022 Visions
We are sharing these visions for just futures 50 years from now that we dreamed up with our former Muslim Womxn's Organizing Institute Cohort.
Statement in Solidarity with Urooj and an Urgent Call for Building a Stronger Movement Defense Infrastructure for Protestors
A statement in solidarity with Urooj as she begins her confinement tomorrow in a federal prison.
Investing in Communities of Care Voter Guide
A nonpartisan voter guide developed by members of the Muslim Abolitionist Futures National Network and outside partners for the upcoming 2022 midterm elections.
Abolitionist v. Reforms Policy Tool
The Muslim Abolitionist Futures (MAF) Network developed this tool to support organizations, collectives, groups, and community members committed to moving with abolitionist values in their policy advocacy efforts.
Contact Your Congressmember: Stop the Expansion of an $850B Military Budget
Sign and send the petition to Congress and demand they support these amendments and prioritize our communities over the military-industrial complex.
Abolishing the War on Terror, Building Communities of Care
This grassroots agenda calls for the abolition of the War on Terror and an investment into communities of care.
We Still Have No Support: The Impact of COVID-19 on Muslim Communities in the Greater Washington Region
This brief offers a snapshot of the ways COVID-19 has impacted mainly working-class Muslim communities within the Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area, and presents the ways JMC has responded and disbursed funds to support families and individuals.
Why the Census Matters for Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) Communities in the DMV Area
The 2020 Census data will determine how the next 10 years of representation will look like for our communities and how much federal funding is distributed for critical programs that our families and communities use.
We Count: Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian (AMEMSA) Voters in Virginia
The November 2020 General Elections is a critical voting year for Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities. JMC took on the nonpartisan civic engagement project to call 65,282 AMEMSA voters in Virginia by November 3rd.